General contact details

Phone: 07 3065 9003
Address: 20 Cambewarra Street, Zillmere Queensland 4034

Hours of availability: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm


Have you got pictures of our Northside Wizards members that you would like us to share on our social media platforms? Or a GREAT news story featuring one of our awesome members?? Please share these with us, we want to celebrate you and celebrate with you!
Please email them (along with a description) to us for posting!
Please send an email to:


For all forfeit notifications please contact the competition’s administrator –

Forfeit fees will apply to all teams as follows:

  • Double game fee if notified less than 48 hours before scheduled game time
  • Single game fee for any other forfeit, regardless of time and date of notification.

Forfeit fees must be paid prior to the team’s next game. Teams will not be allowed to take the court until forfeit fees are paid. If this results in another forfeit, additional forfeit fees will be charged.

A short-term registration is available if teams are short and wish to bring in a fill-in player.  The short-term registration is available once per player per calendar year and is valid for 14 days only.  If the player wishes to continue playing beyond the 14 days they will be required to pay a full annual registration fee.
